Thursday, August 11, 2005

24 hours at Summit

I've made it to Summit, and I managed to finish all the things I set out to do. First thing in the morning was to check the weather, to see if we were likely to fly. All was looking good so I went to a quick breakfast and got ready for the flight. The 3 hour flight to Summit left on time and was uneventful, so I was on the snow at Summit by about 11. The crew this summer has been busy over the summer, and have lifted the main structure, called the Big House, about 15 feet avobe the snow. To put this feat in perspective, when the sumer began the building was buried in snow almost up to the roofline.

The Big House back up on stilts.

After gathering my things together, I went to my first task, logging a new borehole about 5 km from the main camp. This all went well, and I was able to get everything done in a couple of hours. I left the site with a short casing that protrudes from the snow to enable us to return in future and access the hole again.

Back at camp, I trained the science technicians who will be running my experiment over the winter, and that went quite well as they are fast learners. After dinner I went over some more of my science with them and finished writing the 'instruction manual' for them to refer to over the winter. Then to bed, in an available Arctic Oven tent.


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